Sunday, March 2, 2008

Birthday Ideas (An Early Draft)

Good afternoon, Dear Reader.
I know it's still several months until my birthday, but just in case you might perhaps be looking for ideas on what to present me with, I thought I would provide a short list, which may later be added to. So here are my ideas thus far, in no particular order:

Project Chains (CD) by Scarlett Pomers and Jak Paris I don't know if this is still available anywhere, but if at all possible, I'd REALLY like it. Further details on why shall be provided if asked for. Last I checked, this is around $7.00

240 count "Wild Rasberry Tea" (Stash brand) $33.00 at I looooove rasberry tea!

Alzheimer's Association "MOVE" unisex tee shirt, size XL $20.00 at the way...if anyone wants to join/support me, I'll be founding a team for this year's Memory Walk on Treasure Island. The Walk is October 11, 2008.

ANY CD(s) by the band Flogging Molly. Or, for that matter, by Enter the Haggis. Great names, aren't they?

That's all for fact, I think that's quite enough, but I'm sure I'll be surprised and pleased with your great ideas as well. And on that note,
Farewell for now, Gentle Reader.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interesting Things People Have Said Around Me...

This blog goes quite nicely hand-in-hand with something else I want to write about later, so I suppose this could be called "Part One". So without further ado, for your amusement:

"I don't wear a church."

"Your butt's fallin' my sleep-a-leg!"

"Don't put out the Spire!"

"He slurpeth his eggethnoggeth."

"Also remind yourself you're not a potato!"

And my personal favorite:
Shakespearean Attitude: "Like, whatevereth!"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Introductions Are In Order...

In some ways, you may find me rather old fashioned, Dear Reader. I wish we had a mutual aquaintance to rely on for an introduction. But alas, we have not. And actually, you probably know me already if you are actually taking the time to read my contributions to the world.

So on to other subjects. I am interested in so very many vastly different things. First and foremost, my entire existence practically revolves around music of various kinds. I play many instruments, but my two favorite are violin and trumpet. I am a Celtic fiddler at heart. Actually, I think I'm just Celtic (period) at heart.

Besides music, my interests are (in no particular order) primarily literary, religious, and theatrical. I love reading plays and working backstage as an ASM (Assistant Stage Manager). I read all sorts of books as well--(auto)biography, historical fiction, children's literature, fantasy/sci-fi, mystery, religious works, non-fiction, classic literature, and EXTREMELY occasionally classy (non-Harlequin) romance like Daphne DuMaurier, who is arguably much more than romance. I am sorry to offend straight off, but I do NOT love and adore Harry Potter. Yes, this is an educated statement, as I have managed (through the irresistable insistence of my brother) to slog my way through all seven books and all the movies currently out. That said, I have no actual problem with the Harry Potter world...I just don't actively seek it out. I'd much rather spend my fun-reading time with Diana Gabaldon's beloved Outlander series, or depending on my mood, with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books. Or Jane Austen. Or George Bernard Shaw. Or Henrik Ibsen. Or Oscar Wilde. What's that you say? You get the point? Oh...okay...I'll drop it.

I am passionate about the search for a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, and hopefully all forms of dementia. I hope to integrate my love of music and helping people by becoming a certified music therapist in a few years.

Well...will wonders never cease...I have a blog now. How odd!

Farewell for now, Gentle Reader.