Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Songs for ISAC

Here are the songs for the ISAC demonstration.

See you soon!

Salve Virgo Virginum (you're on top voice):
We'll be singing this one with words (probably all three verses). The solfa for your part starts mi-fa-re-mi-fa-mi-re-do. Beware of the last line. It's the most difficult, because we all start moving faster.

Kyrie:Sumer canon:

Christe (from this semester--you might not have seen it before. and again...you'll be a 1st Soprano):
I Should for Grief and Anguish (I'm giving you a high key as well as the low key we've all done it in. Bet you can guess what part you'll be on!):

High version:
Low Version (same solfa, just a different key):

And your Hildy piece (I think it's this one...please tell me if it's not!):

Okay...I think that's everything.